Monday, March 11, 2013

Online A- Flash Cards

Online A Reflection

Technology has such a huge impact on society today. It's used daily by most people, and I'm sure that without it, we wouldn't know what to do. I feel that we rely too much on technology nowadays. Everyone uses it, and it can be used for absolutely anything. I think that within the last 5 years, technology has advanced; and it's as if technology advances more and more by the day. I think that in the next 5 years, technology will still be advancing in more and more ways.
For school use, I use technology for searching things. Such as Google or wiki; to look at how to solve a math equation, or something along those lines. The internet is the easiest way to learn in my opinion. So, whenever I don't understand something in school, I use the internet to understand it. You can move at your own pace and access it at any time. When I'm at home, instead of using search engines, I use social networking and sharing sites such as, Tumblr, Instagram, etc.
I think that later on in life, I could use some skills that I learned in Online A. I learned about copyright, and what I can, and cannot use. Knowing copyright rules will obviously be used in a lifetime. However, I also think that we learned some stuff in here that I probably won't ever use again in, or outside of school. I wouldn't use Delicious, Podcast, Avatars, gadgets/widgets, etc. I probably will only use search engines, and apply things I've learned in Online A to life. ( Online safety, copyright,  and internet searching)
My favorite tool that we've used during Online A was probably just plain using Powerpoint and searching things on Google. I liked these the best because we could do our own thing at our own pace. The tool that I least liked was using audio and making avatars. I least liked it because I don't like recording my own voice, or talking into a microphone because it just felt awkward to do in a full class. Overall, I can see why we are required to take Online classes in high school. Technology impacts our society more and more everyday, and we are taught how to use it correctly.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Podcast about music

Bill Deville runs down the weeks music headlines, talks about the next big thing to emerge from Belgium; Black Box Revelation, speaks with Ximena Sariana about what she's listening to these days on The Guest List, reviews the new album from Noel Gallagher of Oasis fame on The Music Meeting, Matt Perkins, The Current's Marketing Coordinator will talk about his favorite jazz album by Dave Brubeck on The Essentials and we'll get a sneak peak of a track from the new record from Guided By Voices.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Check this out on Chirbit
Check this out on Chirbit

Monday, February 25, 2013

Technology Article

Gas prices have set a recrod high for the month, inching to $4 a gallon. Experts say there are a number of things to blame for this; such as, refineries switching from winter to summer fuel earlier this year, mid-winter maintenance has left some refineries temporarily offline and having to import more oil due to a major refinery closing in New Jersey. Our countries average price per gallon is $3.78, the highest being in Los Angelos; where the people pay up to $4.29 per gallon.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Voki vs. Blabberize

Between the two websites we used to create avatars, I think that Voki was easier to use. I also liked it more because you could create your own avatar, rather than find an image off the internet. It was less glitchy than blabberize. However, I don't think I'd use either of the websites again, because there isn't really a purpose to them, besides for entertainment.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Digital Footpring Analysis

I'm proud that there isn't really anything provacitive or unacceptable on my digital footprint. I'm surprised to see that only one image of me on google showed up when I searched my name. I think that's because all of my social networking sites are on a private setting. There's not really anything I'm embarassed about my pictures. I don't think there's much I can change about my Facebook, or the image I want to convey besides swearing sometimes. I also think I should clear out my friends list to only people I know, because I have over 3,000 friends on Facebook.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cyber Bully Video

I think that the movie Cyber Bully was not realistic whatsoever. At the end, it showed what actions you are supposed to take after being cyber-bullied, which is a good thing. I think that most people that get cyber-bullied, are bullied because they put themselves in that situation first. The movie did show some truth though, and it also showed all the different ways to cyber-bully. We learned that you aren't supposed to fight fire with fire while being cyber-bullied online, when the main character in the movie did, she got singled out by everyone. We learned almost everything that was the main idea to cyber-bullying in the video. I don't think there were any differences, because most cyber-bullying cases are the same. I think that this case was most similar to the case where the 11 year old girl left her Facebook logged on in her friends computer.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Netiquette is how you should act on the internet. It affects everyone, because everyone can see what you post/say on the internet. Being proper and acting nice is more delightful for everyone, especially on the internet. Some examples of good netiquette are; respecting other peoples privacy, being nice and not rude, and not calling people out. Some examples of bad netiquette are, breaking the law, abusing your power, and hacking.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Downloading Music

This article pretty much summarizes the terms of illegal music downloading, and what copyright laws allow. For example; you can make a copy of a CD you bought, and use to for your own purposes legally, but you can not distribute it to other people. A major reason for copyright law, of course; is loss in revenue. The artists of the music you're stealing, want money for their work, stealing their music is almost the same as just stealing something from the store. It doesn't have to be just about music though, people can steal movies, books, etc. Yet can get in trouble by the law, and have to pay a fine for stealing any of them.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Led Zeppelin Copyright Infringement Case

Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page was sued for the copyright infringement of the groups song "Dazed and Confused" by the man who's been linked with the original since the song's release, reports CMU. Jake Holmes' song of the same name was written in 1967, with the folk singer supporting the Yardbirds -- featuring the eventual Led Zeppelin guitarist -- in Greenwich Village during the same year. It made such an impression on Page that the group started using it in their own live sets. Mr. Holmes’s suit says Mr. Page copied the song “without authorization or permission” and “knowingly and willfully” infringes on his copyrights. A management company listed for Mr. Page said it no longer represented him, and a press representative for Led Zeppelin at Atlantic Records did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Research Project

I really liked how easy my powerpoint was to do, because we could research any country of our choice. I chose The Netherlands because it's known for it's historical documents and buildings, including art history; which is one of my favorite things to read and learn about. I didn't really enjoy presenting it in front of class though, because I don't like standing or talking in front of  lot of people. I learned a lot of new stuff about The Netherlands making my powerpoint. Also, since Amsterdam ( the capitol of The Netherlands) is a very popular spot for tourism, it was easy to find and learn new things to put in my powerpoint. I think I had an overall good powerpoint. I didn't like making the brochure at all though, because I've never really learned how to use Microsoft Publisher well, but it was easy  to figure out after a little while.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Technology Article

This article explains the new operating system Apple may be coming out with in mid 2013. Also mentioned. was one of the new products rumoured to be testing ; "iPhone 6,1". However, credentials like so, can easily be faked. There has been remours about other new Apple products for 2013, inculding the iPhone 5s, which could easily exactly model the iPhone 6... We don't know for sure what Apple may come out with next; especially how they will work, along with its next system,  iOS 7. One thing we do know however, is Apple had a strong holiday season, with downloading figures for the iPad and iPhones on Christmas day sparking up 87% on Christmas day.