Monday, December 17, 2012

My Christmas Traditions

      I prefer my family to not do anything much for Christmas,  unlike some families who go all out. I love being able to go back to sleep after Christmas, instead of going to church or something; like those really weird families do...

        My family doesn't really have a holiday tradtion. We don't do anything out of the usual for Christmas. Usually I'll wake up early in the morning, and wake everyone up. My brother is moved out, but he stays the night for Christmas, and I don't really get to see my sister much because she lives in Phoenix, Arizona. After waking everyone up, we all open our presents, and then I just go back to sleep for the day. Christmas is just kind of like another day in our house, we don't do anything spectacular for it.

Friday, December 14, 2012

"RSS" is about getting live web feeds directly to your computer. RSS takes the latest headlines from different web sites, and pushes those headlines down to your computer for quick scanning. This tool is useful for bloggers.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a way of sharing links to websites by related tags. Social bookmarking is useful to anyone trying to find a website with related tags, and it narrows down your search, unlike google. You can also social bookmark between friends. I probably will only use social bookmarking for school because, it would help me save and bookmark websites that I need and find useful, and then I can access them at home.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Technology and Me...

I use technology every minute of my life, from my iPhone, to my laptop, and so on. Without technology I don't know what I'd do. I use technology for everything, it's my life. I think I have a problem honestly. I'm always on my phone, and checking Facebook, Tumblr, texting, etc. I really don't do much of anything besides use technology. On the brightside, my frequent usage of technology makes this class very, very easy.