Monday, March 11, 2013

Online A- Flash Cards

Online A Reflection

Technology has such a huge impact on society today. It's used daily by most people, and I'm sure that without it, we wouldn't know what to do. I feel that we rely too much on technology nowadays. Everyone uses it, and it can be used for absolutely anything. I think that within the last 5 years, technology has advanced; and it's as if technology advances more and more by the day. I think that in the next 5 years, technology will still be advancing in more and more ways.
For school use, I use technology for searching things. Such as Google or wiki; to look at how to solve a math equation, or something along those lines. The internet is the easiest way to learn in my opinion. So, whenever I don't understand something in school, I use the internet to understand it. You can move at your own pace and access it at any time. When I'm at home, instead of using search engines, I use social networking and sharing sites such as, Tumblr, Instagram, etc.
I think that later on in life, I could use some skills that I learned in Online A. I learned about copyright, and what I can, and cannot use. Knowing copyright rules will obviously be used in a lifetime. However, I also think that we learned some stuff in here that I probably won't ever use again in, or outside of school. I wouldn't use Delicious, Podcast, Avatars, gadgets/widgets, etc. I probably will only use search engines, and apply things I've learned in Online A to life. ( Online safety, copyright,  and internet searching)
My favorite tool that we've used during Online A was probably just plain using Powerpoint and searching things on Google. I liked these the best because we could do our own thing at our own pace. The tool that I least liked was using audio and making avatars. I least liked it because I don't like recording my own voice, or talking into a microphone because it just felt awkward to do in a full class. Overall, I can see why we are required to take Online classes in high school. Technology impacts our society more and more everyday, and we are taught how to use it correctly.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Podcast about music

Bill Deville runs down the weeks music headlines, talks about the next big thing to emerge from Belgium; Black Box Revelation, speaks with Ximena Sariana about what she's listening to these days on The Guest List, reviews the new album from Noel Gallagher of Oasis fame on The Music Meeting, Matt Perkins, The Current's Marketing Coordinator will talk about his favorite jazz album by Dave Brubeck on The Essentials and we'll get a sneak peak of a track from the new record from Guided By Voices.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Check this out on Chirbit
Check this out on Chirbit

Monday, February 25, 2013

Technology Article

Gas prices have set a recrod high for the month, inching to $4 a gallon. Experts say there are a number of things to blame for this; such as, refineries switching from winter to summer fuel earlier this year, mid-winter maintenance has left some refineries temporarily offline and having to import more oil due to a major refinery closing in New Jersey. Our countries average price per gallon is $3.78, the highest being in Los Angelos; where the people pay up to $4.29 per gallon.